Friends! It's the 25th, which means we're telling you the news of our project. Read to the end to find out the detective story about the adventures of a doughboy.
As we mentioned in December, we lost access to the admin in telegram and so many processes had to be rebuilt and done again. But that's okay, we made it through!
In January, we tried to be scammed for 545 euros by simply debiting that amount from our account. It was not possible to find out what it was, but the money was returned and such transactions were blocked for the future. Be vigilant!
We also struggled with the postal and DHL chaos after New Year: some requests (e.g. pet food) had to be reordered three times! We won and see pics of a well-fed Lilu and Tornado on the cards! 🐈🐕
Also at the end of the year, the Book Club in the Netherlands decided to support us and through their efforts we raised €185! Thanks guys! We are always happy to receive such initiatives and we are ready to invent co-operation formats :)
And to complete the amazing January Storytelling, let's tell you about the dough mixer. Ludmila, an immigrant from Ukraine, makes baked goods for many families on their location, loves it and finds an outlet in it. But kneading so much dough is very hard physically and she approached us with a request.
👉24.11.11 we ordered the dough mixer from amazon
👉5.12 it was supposedly delivered (it wasn't!), Sascha writes and receives ±80 emails from amazon and the Chinese sender)
👉8.01 Sasha gets the parcel to her home and sends it to Ludmila a week later
👉20.01 Ludmila reports that she received the dough mixer. Cracked 😑
This is such a stupid story. We're struggling with Amazon, but if you have a dough mixer lying around (who doesn't?), please tell us. I really want to help Ludmila already.
February will be more fun and active, please support us if you can.
Love and peace! 💙✨